Users can now add funds to PSN Store account with PayPal

Users can now add funds to PSN Store account with PayPal

January 19th 2013 By contact email , twitter


Although it has been accepted in other regions for some time now, North American PSN users can now add funds to their virtual wallets using the popular service ‘PayPal’. Here are the details. 


SOE LogoThrough the ‘Sony Entertainment Network’ PSN users can sign-on to their account and add funds that can be used in the PSN store. The amounts coincide with physical PSN card amounts ($5, $10, $20 and $50). It is a positive alternative to credit cards for those customers that either do not have one, or do not like storing that information on a PS3. Unfortunately for North American users, this may mean we will have to watch even more Jeff Goldblum commercials about how he hates finding his pants for his wallet.


If you would like to see the service for yourself you can head to the Sony Entertainment Network below and sign in to an account. Then go to (Add Funds to Wallet), (Confirm Add Funds to Wallet again) then (click PayPal).


The rest is fairly straightforward and you can start by clicking the link below.




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