Twitch lets Black Ops 2 players stream their games

January 30th 2013 By contact email , twitter

Twitch launched with a very specific goal of integrating itself with the video-game community. The service has grown rapidly and now players can stream their games in ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 2′. 
The initial group to start using the new service are the Xbox 360 players, but soon PC and PS3 players will also be able to stream their games as well. Twitch has some impressive features, like integrating Kinect for picture-in-picture streaming. There is no hardware that is required to do this either (well a Kinet if you want to do that PiP thing) it will be integrated into Black Ops 2.

There is no official release date for the PC and PS3 versions at this time, though they are scheduled to get the service “soon”.

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