Title Update available for Max Payne 3 starting today

January 22nd 2013 By contact email , twitter

Rockstar Games has released the latest title update for their popular title ‘Max Payne 3′ for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. The new update offers some new tweaks and gameplay adjustments and readies the title for the next DLC pack. Here are the details. 
The update is already available for Xbox 360 users and PS3 users, PC players should get the update later this afternoon. The update makes way for the ‘Deathmatch Made in Heaven’ DLC release for all platforms. Here are the official notes on the update:

  • Slightly increased the rate of fire and the accuracy of the IMG 5.56 and fixed an issue where it would occasionally jam between bursts
  • Fixed a reloading issue with the M24
  • Fixed an issue where the auto 9mm would sometimes change fire mode when toggling the laser sight on/off
  • Fixed an issue where the scope and laser attachments for the IA2 AR rifle would occasionally not work
  • Fixed an issue where the grenade indicators would sometimes not display correctly
  • Improved fix for instance of players occasionally getting stuck in cover during the single player campaign
  • Fixed an issue where players could occasionally have trouble aiming using Southpaw controls in the single player campaign
  • Fixed an issue where certain users received an error message when selecting Social Club from the Main Menu
  • Fixed an issue with signing up to Social Club in-game for Japanese users



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