Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13: Review

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  EA Sports’ Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 is set to launch from EA Sports this week. The title aims to reinvent itself with the latest motion controls, new gameplay mechanics and a unique challenge mode.

Interview With Mike DeVault, Lead Designer Of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13

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  As far back as I can remember, there has been virtual golf. Whether it was something like a Mario golf game, or Golden Tee at the arcade, video game golf has been a mainstay as much as any FPS or RPG.

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Tiger Woods PGA Tour ‘Better With Kinect’ Trailer

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  It’s about damn time the Tiger Woods series had an entry that integrated the use of Kinect the right way…even if it DOES seems a little weird at first. Legions of virtual golfers are probably well aware of using a Wiimote and standing perpendicular to the TV screen, but about stand horizontally and being […]

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