The ‘out of this world’ adventures of ‘Toejam and Earl’ can soon be relived. Greg Johnson confirmed today that both ToeJam and Earl titles will be re-released for XBLA and PSN. Here are the rocket-skate details.
SEGA will bring ToeJam and Earl titles to PSN and XBLA
July 23rd 2012 By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterSonic Adventure 2 HD will be released on PSN and XBLA this fall
July 16th 2012 By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterSega announced over the weekend that they will be publishing a remake of the Dreamcast classic ‘Sonic Adventure 2′ for PSN and XBLA. Here are the details on the upcoming title.
Phantasy Star Online 2 will release in North America and Europe in 2013
July 9th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterSega has announced that it will be bringing the “Free-to-Play multiplayer action RPG” Phantasy Star Online 2 to both North America and Europe in 2013. The announcement came via an online press-release late last night.
Required Reading: ‘The History of Sonic the Hedgehog’, pre-order available
July 7th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterSonic the Hedgehog is still Sega’s true mascot and one of the most recognizable icons in the video game industry. Now you can relive the history of Sonic in an upcoming book from Sega.
NiGHTS: Into Dreams going HD for PSN, PC and XBLA
July 5th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterThe classic title ‘NiGHTS: Into Dreams’, from Sega Saturn fame, is being reborn into an HD remake for this generation. You can watch the announcement trailer and get the details below.
Total War: Rome 2 ‘live action’ trailer prepares for war
July 3rd 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterIt was announced yesterday that The Creative Assembly will be developing the new ‘Total War: Rome 2′ title. Now you can watch the first ‘Live-Action’ trailer for the upcoming game.
Total War: Rome 2 will come to PC in 2013, developed by The Creative Assembly
July 2nd 2012 By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterSEGA of America and SEGA Europe finally announced that The Creative Assembly, is in fact currently developing ‘Total War: Rome II’ for PC. You can get all the details on the upcoming title below.
Phantasy Star Online 2 begins open beta
June 18th 2012 By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterSEGA confirmed that the open-beta for their upcoming title ‘Phantasy Star Online 2′ will begin this week. Along with the announcement, SEGA has confirmed a few details for the test.
Jet Set Radio, set to paint the PS Vita this summer
May 25th 2012 By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterSega has officially announced that their classic Dreamcast hit ‘Jet Set Radio’ will be coming to Sony’s new handheld, the ‘PS Vita’, this summer.
Sega acquires the rights to publish Double Fine title ‘The Cave’
May 24th 2012 By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterIn a press-release sent out this morning, video-game publisher Sega has announced that they have acquired the publishing rights to Double Fine’s upcoming title ‘The Cave’. A new trailer was also released today.
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