As Sony stated earlier in the week, the Playstation Network will undergo a maintenance period today, July 26, 2012. Although gameplay should still be operational, the PSN store and PSN Home may not be accessible.
PSN Maintenance scheduled for today, some PSN services down until Friday
By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterPlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale roster gets Cole MacGrath and Jak and Daxter
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterAt San Diego Comic Con, Sony introduced two new fighter into the roster of ‘Playstation All-Stars’. Now it is confirmed that Cole MacGrath and Jak and Daxter will be playable fighters in the game.
Sony will bring Neon Alley and Crunchyroll App to the PS3, anime fans rejoice
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterSony has some very good news for anime fans, Sony just announced at San Diego Comic Con that the company will be brining Neon Alley and Crunchy Roll to the PSN network.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale gets pre-oder skins and release date
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterPlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale was a huge hit at this year’s E3 2012 event. Sony has confirmed that the title will come out this fall, and has a pre-order bonus set up with extra skins.
FCC Filing Suggests New PS3 Model
By Tony Hsieh contact email , twitterA recent FCC filing suggests that a new, slimmer, cheaper PS3 console could be on its way soon
Sony releasing optional firmware update 4.21 for PS3
By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterSony has reported that it will be releasing a new firmware update V4.21 on the Playstation 3. Do not expect any major features, as this one only fixes a few issues with software stability.
Max Payne 3, Sid Meier’s Civilization V and Spec Ops: The Line highlight July sales
By John Stewart contact email , twitterSummer is officially here and now that holiday weekends can afford you more time for your summer-gaming schedule. Amazon kicks of its July Gaming Sale with a few big names at deep discounts.
PS3 update 4.20 is set to go live tomorrow, fixes wireless stereo headset bug
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterSony has announced that the next firmware update (v4.20) is due to come out tomorrow. The update will address a few problems that customers have been experiencing with the Sony Wireless Headset, and adjust a few features.
ESRB rates Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PS3
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterThe ESRB website is always a handy tool for finding re-releases of classic titles that may be coming to a console near you. The latest duo of Rockstar titles are ‘Grand Theft Auto III’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto: Vice City’ that are now rated for PS3.
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