The latest video clue for Konmai’s upcoming ‘Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance’ isn’t a video at all, it’s a ‘stolen’ encrypted message from Senator Armstrong.
Konami has released the second trailer for their upcoming title ‘Metal Gear Rising: Reveangence’. Don’t expect any glaring details to show up during the video, if there are any secrets they are very well hidden.
For fans of the Metal Gear series there is enough hidden information, quick images and Metal Gear references in the latest live-action trailer to keep you busy for most of the day.
There is an odd teaser trailer for Konami’s upcoming title ‘Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance’ that points to some new updates coming out later this week.
Konami has released a two-part documentary featuring Hideo Kokjima that goes into some elaborate details of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and its creation. The video is actually extremely well done and is more like a short film rather than an interview.
Now that Platinum games have taken the helm; released their big VGA trailer and officially renamed their new game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance; we can look back at the over-complex backstory of the Metal Gear universe.
Although Konami did confirm that Metal Gear Solid: Rising, which is now Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, would have a story-line following Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots, it will not be a direct sequel.
Even though the video was leaked a little early it is always good to read news on Metal Gear Solid: Rising, which is now Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance.
Raiden did always take a backseat to Solid Snake in the Metal Gear series, today he gets to be front and center in the press department.