Quantum Conundrum gains two DLC packs, The Desmond Debacle and IKE-aramba!

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  Square Enix has announced that their hit puzzle-game ‘Quantum Conundrum’ will receive two DLC packs starting this month; “The Desmond Debacle” and “IKE-aramba!”. The publisher also produced release date info and screens for you to enjoy.

Quantum Conundrum Review: Physics-ally entertaining

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  Quantum Conundrum is the latest first-person puzzle title from Kim Swift and publisher Square Enix. Swift, the lead-designer of the now famous ‘Portal’ brings a new animated style and intriguing gameplay mechanics to the ever-evolving world of FPS puzzle games, this time with Airtight Games.

Quantum Conundrum out now for PC, PSN and XBLA not until July

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  Square Enix’s latest puzzle-game ‘Quantum Conundrum’ has been released for PC starting today, unfortunately console gamers will still have to wait a few weeks for the release date. You can check out the official dates below.

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