Sony Online Entertainment’s DC Universe Online is going free-to-play in October on both PC and PlayStation 3.
Sony Online Entertainment, as well as IGN have reported that both the PS3 and PC versions will receive a new three-tiered payment system, allowing users to play for free, or pay a subscription to receive in-game goodies.
Tier one are players that play for free. They will be able to create two in-game characters, and will have access to all the gameplay, you will also be able to join a league and purchase additional DLC and powers.
Tier two is for “premium players”, or those who have paid at least $5 toward the game in some form (items, DLC or former subscribers) will have access to an extra character slot and more inventory slots.
The third tier is for “legendary players” or who pay a $14.99 monthly subscription fee. These players get all the DLC packs at no extra cost, they also get 15 character slots and the ability to form unrestricted-sized leagues, plus more to be announced.
For those of you interested now in picking up the game you will happy to know that Amazon cut the price, it is now about $30 for both the PS3 version and the PC version. You can check out the official listing by clicking here
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