Anton Mikhailov, a member of SCEA’s Research and Development team, talks about the latest addition to the PS Move peripheral family, the Playstation Move Racing Wheel. You can check out the device in the video below.
The trailer-interview shows players the design and functionality of the new device. Mikhailov talks about the updated trigger buttons and the precision of the new controller. One very nice feature is a dual-rumble motor in each of the two grips, allowing just one, or both, of the controller handles to rumble at a time. That isn’t including the built in rumble-motor in the PS Move device. You can see how a flying-sim or tank situation would maybe use the Move rumble for a gun, with the jets on each side allowing rumble. That’s a free idea for Playstation from us. The handles can also expand to become a handlebar set-up for motorcycle action, which can use the “twist throttle” tech on the right controller.
The unit is already available for pre-order from Amazon, who wasted no time getting the device up on its website. Which you can check out here.