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Sony has decided to trade “likes” for mini-games for a limited time on one of their official Facebook pages. You can check out the offer below.
Although it may break a few Facebook “code of conducts” for acquiring “likes”, I don’t think anyone is going to complain. If you head on over to the PSN Facebook page and hit the “like” button you will be given a code that will give you Jewel Keepers: Easter Island and Urbanix.
We used our press-manager as a Guinea-pig to make sure it was on the up-and-up and in fact it does work. Sometimes selling out isn’t that bad, when you are on the receiving end of free games.
Speaking of selling out, it wouldn’t kill you to “like” us you know, it is a button just below this post after all…
source | facebook
should let people know this is only for UK PSN Accounts