Naughty Dog has been teasing the upcoming survival title ‘The Last of Us’ for some time now. Fans have been treated to multiplayer videos, single-player demos and screens since E3 2012. Now you have a chance to finally play it.
The demo is part of a promotion that Sony will be holding for the Santa Monica Studios release of ‘God of War: Ascension’, a game that has been featured quite a bit on its own. Players who pre-order the game will be able to download the demo of The Last of Us at a later date.
When players load up their title of ‘God of War: Ascension’ the ability to be notified of the demo will appear on the game’s menu screen. Sony did not state if everyone will get the demo or just people who pre-order ‘God of War: Ascension’. The demo will be made available after ‘God of War: Ascension’ is released, you can sign up to be notified when the demo is ready after loading up God of War: Ascension but it will not be ready the same day as the launch.
God of War: Ascension is set to be released on the PS3 on March 12, 2024 and is available for pre-order with a $10 credit and free DLC from amazon
for a limited time.