Recentley Bethesda has released the ‘Creation Kit’ for its latest AAA title ‘Skyrim’. To celebrate the release, Valve has created something special for the PC gaming community.
The mod that Valve made puts a ‘Space Core’ from Portal 2 inside the world of Skyrim. The Space Core can then follow you on your adventures in all its out-of-place wonderfulness.
The exact title is called, “Fall of the Space Core Vol. 1″. With a title like that you can only hope that Valve makes more, though there is no official word that it will.
They also went ahead and fixed an error that they felt was plaguing Skyrim. Valve had this to say about the mod in their description.
“Since Skyrim was the only major release of 2011 without Nolan North in it, you should consider this mod a patch to fix that problem. You can now feel free to include Skyrim in the ‘Nolan North’ section of your video game library, which is to say, your video game library.”
The mod is only for PC but can be downloaded from the source link below.
source | steam