Capcom has released a new video for their upcoming survivor-horror installment, ‘Resident Evil 6′. The cinematic trailer shows off the game’s dark style and nail-biting action.
The trailer is heavy on the cinematic scenes, showing off the giant mass of creatures and monsters that you will have to fight in order to survive. The video also is a chance to check out the game’s excellent graphics and lighting techniques. Though there isn’t any gameplay this time around, the trailer does do a fantastic job at setting the panicked-tone of the game.
You can watch the full ‘Horror’ trailer below.
Resident Evil is set to launch on October 2, 2012. Resident Evil 6 comes in 3 editions, Standard, Anthology and Archives. Depending what system you buy the game for (PS3 and Xbox 360) there is a host of free DLC and FREE games that come with the upgraded edition.