PlanetSide 2 ‘Death Is No Excuse’ CGI trailer is all eye-candy

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Sony Online Entertainment and Blur Studios have put together a new CGI trailer for the upcoming MMOFPS ‘PlaneSide 2′. The trailer was debuted at ChinaJoy 2012 but you can watch it below. 
In the trailer, a solider fights against a seemingly endless army of defending troops; both in the air and on the ground. “The ‘Death Is No Excuse’ trailer brilliantly captures the intense action and massive depth of gameplay in PlanetSide 2,” said John Smedley, President, Sony Online Entertainment. “As we near our External Beta phase — one of the most essential chapters involved in creating a successful, AAA-quality MMOFPS — we look forward to hearing players’ reactions, feedback and comments so we can continue to refine and polish PlanetSide 2.”

“With any trailer we undertake at Blur, we strive to resonate with the audience by crafting something they haven’t seen before while also tying into the game’s core concept. PlanetSide 2 is a never-ending, grueling, grind-it-out-battle fought by thousands. There is no reprieve from the chaos; no life without war. It is a fate not even death can save you from,” said Dave Wilson, Director, Blur Studio. “This core of gameplay is what really inspired us to craft the cinematic trailer in one continuous unrelenting ride through the chaos. We wanted the journey to be exhausting, overwhelming and on a scale not familiar with traditional first person shooters. We wanted gamers to get the feeling that out there, on Auraxis, on that battlefield if you let your guard down, for even a moment, you are screwed.”
PlanetSide 2 is currently in Beta testing, it will be FTP later this year on PC.

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