Ouya Console The Size Of A Rubik’s Cube

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I remember when the OnLive Microconsole came out, I was floored by how tiny the console looked. It was about the size of an oversized credit card and about as thick as an early era smartphone. For someone who remembers the bulk of the original Xbox, I was impressed. 
Yves Béhar, a lead hardware designer on Ouya, said that his team has intentionally avoided making a console that resembled the size and bulk of “traditional” console. “Our console is quite small, around the size of a Rubik’s cube, and so it will easily fit anywhere in a room, or be easy to throw in a backpack.”
The size of the console will be great on the eye, but also important as far as hardware functionality goes. The Ouya will utilize a Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core ARM processor, as well as 1GB of memory, 8 GB of flash storage and two USB ports.
You can check out Ouya’s Kickstarter page here.
source | kotaku

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