Of Orcs And Men – New Screenshots

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Of Orcs and Men, an RPG jointly developed by Cyanide and Spiders, is shaping up to be a pretty cool looking game, and to get your anticipation flowing, we’ve got a batch of new screenshots for your viewing pleasure! 
Of Orcs and Men takes a rather interesting approach to the typical fantasy genre; where usually humans are the protagonists and orcs and goblins are the bad guys, this game flips everything on its head. Now humans are the oppressive tyrants.

As the world falls into chaos and you face a cruel and merciless humanity bent on eternal persecution of Orcs and Goblins, your unlikely duo will have one last chance to change the course of History and, hopefully, bringing peace between your peoples.

The new screenshots below show off some truly stunning graphics. Check it out, and enjoy the trailer as well! Of Orcs and Men will be released on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC in October of this year.


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