The newly released remake of ‘Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath’ will receive a very significant upgrade on PS3 next week. You can check out the highlights from the patch-notes below.
The most impressive of the new features are the addition of PS Move support and 3Dtv support. Other features include new video and uploading features, and audio and video adjustments. There are quite a few ‘fixes’ in the patch as well, you can read the full breakdown below. If you need more in-depth descriptions for these items, you can head over to the titles official website below. They were even nice enough to throw in a little video, which is also displayed below.
The patch launches at the very start of 27th June in the UK (1 am for most of Europe, 7 pm on the 26th Eastern Daylight Time, 4 pm on the 26th Pacific Daylight Time).
source | oddworld