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For those of you about to purchase Diablo III, or just have and we missed you, there is a small catch that comes with your digital purchase. Apparently anyone who downloads the game has to wait up to three days before unlocking all of its potential.
During the three day waiting period you can play the game, through it will be the ‘Starter Edition’ and not all the content is unlocked. You won’t be able to get passed level 13 and will not be able to pass ‘The Skeleton King’ in Act I. You also are limited to your own country and can only play with other members of the starter-limbo. ALso you can’t enjoy that auction house you heard so much about.
This ‘starter edition’ is just until Blizzard verifies your account, which can happen in one-day or up to three days. Blizzard says this is just to combat fraud and it is something that has to be done.