If you’re excited about the upcoming Borderlands 2, then look no further as we have some new details for you right here! Taken from the PAX demo, it seems that Gearbox has added quite a few new improvements to the game. Check out the list below!
– The PC version was shown, running on Nvidia hardware
– Similar AA to the first game (aliased black lines)
– Significant NPCs have clever intro videos like in B1
– Basically the exact same UI but it now has a mini-map
– Some enemies can throw environmental objects at you
– Tediore weapons allow you to throw guns/mags as grenades
– ‘Bandit’ is a new weapon manufacturer with very large mags
– Torque guns all have exploding bullets that are somewhat slow
– Vladorf guns all have rotating barrels with high rates of fire
– Psychos will now dodge and they can be tactically wounded
– Maya replaces Lilith as the Siren character, can phasewalk
– Kamikaze robots act like zombies (eg, crawl if legs missing)
– Gunzerker class cannot zoom while dual-wielding weapons
– Can still equip four weapons and they are paired for DWing
Borderlands 2 currently has an unannounced 2012 release date.