505 Games has announced that their upcoming title ‘Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise’ will be released this September on both PS3 and Xbox 360. You can view the latest screens released today below.
The downloadable title will release this “September” on both XBLA and PSN, though an exact date hasn’t been revealed at this time. This time around Naughty Bear has a list of Bears that need to be taught a lesson. 505 Games has brought the same ultra-violence and over-the-top destruction made popular in the first Naughty Bear installment.
In a prepared statement sent to the press, 505 Games talks about the upcoming title:
Naughty Bear tracks down the 36 bears on the Naughty List across 11 different areas of Paradise Island. Even with his brand new combat skills, special kills and ultra-kills galore, it’s not going to be all plain sailing this time around with Paradise police, the disco defence force and even an entire group of Super Heroes running around. Wonder how the cops would react if a Super Hero started taking a swing at them?