In the ongoing struggle between Indie Developers and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 platform regulations, Microsoft has extended an olive-branch. Allowing developers for Indie games the ability to alter their pricing every seven days.
The new regulation goes into affect on May 23, 2012. The old regulations stated that Indie Devs must wait 90 days before submitting a price-change. With the new pricing structure, developers can adjust their prices within a week, to better reflect the ever changing game-market. This is great news for Xbox Live users, who will start to see better game-promotions and faster sales on newer releases.
Microsoft stated the new regulations on the ‘Microsoft Developer App Hub’ stating:
We’re happy to announce an update to App Hub that makes it a great time to be an Xbox LIVE Indie Games developer. Starting on May 23, we will allow you to change your Xbox LIVE Indie game pricing on a much more frequent basis. Currently, you may change the price of your game once every 90 days. With this update, you will be able to change the price of your game as often as once every 7 days. This update gives you the freedom to experiment with different price points.
Existing requirements around game sizes and price points remain in place. Games with packages less than 150MB in size can be 80, 240 or 400 points. Games larger than 150MB can be 240 or 400 points.
We’re continuing to evaluate our developer base, listen to your feedback and adapt the system to the needs of creators. We hope this update gives you new flexibility in getting the most out of the Xbox LIVE Indie Games program. If you have any questions or want to discuss these changes, feel free to post in our forum thread here.
source | microsoft