Where you can find her: @sarahfoxes
Sarah’s history in PR and Marketing led her to be one of the co-founders of Gaming Examiner. She is the current Editor-in-Chief with a main focus on Gaming Headlines.
John handles all of the press and marketing relations with Gaming Examiner. A co-founder of the website along with his brother Sea, he handles all media outreach and external marketing for the site.
Where you can find him@seannythomas
Sean is the final third of the founders that helped make Gaming Examiner possible. He is the lead graphic designer and design editor for the site. With a strong background in art and photography he works closely with the marketing team to ensure our site is exciting and functional.
Where you can find him: @suckerv
Where you can find him: @static_22
Where you can find him: @jsmith360
Contact Info:
Sarah Fox | sarah@gamingexaminer.com
John Stewart | press@gamingexaminer.com
Sean Stewart | sean@gamingexaminer.com
Brendan Van der Vlist | brendan@gamingexaminer.com
Tony Hsieh | tony@gamingexaminer.com
Justin Smith | justin@gamingexaminer.com
Not pictured
Jordan Torres | jordan@gamingexaminer.com