Bioware has had some pretty exciting community promotions for the online component in their hit ‘Mass Effect 3′. Unfortunatly these were never made available to PS3 players, only Xbox 360 and PC.
Now everyone will be able to enjoy the special weekends and challenges that Bioware has to offer. As posted on the official Bioware website:
MAJOR OPERATIONS UPDATE: Good news Spectres! Starting with Operation EXORCIST, N7 Weekend Challenges will extend to the PlayStation 3 platform. Operation EXORCIST begins today, April 27th at 6:00PM PST until April 30th at 5:00PM PST, on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Please remember to set the “Upload Gameplay Feedback†setting to “On†in the online options to be able to participate in this N7 Operation.
You can check out all the information on the missions, as well as a letter from Admiral Hackett by clicking on the source link below.
source | bioware