In case you missed it: Watch the Nintendo Direct Confrence
A lot of news came from Nintendo today, most of it had to do with the Nintendo 3DS or its new cousin the Nintendo 3DS XL. There were a lot of games announced though and in case you didn’t catch it live, you can watch it below.
The main highlights include the before mentioned Nintendo 3DS XL priced at $199.99, Fire Emblem is coming to North America in 2013. Profesor Layton: Mask of Miracles is also heading to North America this year. Other details include the Kirby Collection and a new Super Smash Brothers coming to Wii and Nintendo 3DS. You can catch up on all the news by clicking on our 3DS and WII sections above, after you watch the video.
22 Jun 2024 by Sean Stewart Contact email , twitter more news Nintendo 3DS, Videos, Wii News
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