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After a strong showing at PAX East this year, Ubisoft is set to release the third installment in one of their most popular series with ‘Far Cry 3′. The upcoming title has a strong multiplayer element that is team-focused and ready to get you on the island.
Far Cry 3 has very unique multiplayer setting, allowing players to compete in, “jungles, beaches, mountains, shipyards, temples and villages” all spread-out on the island. Each of these locations will support unique game modes. There will be your usual favorites (Domination, Team Death Match and other classics) but Ubisoft has added new game modes to liven up your multiplayer experience. “Firestorm” is one of these new game modes. In Firestorm players are tasked with destroying the opposing team’s fuel depots, crippling their supplies as they themselves try and survive the island.
The theme behind the multiplayer of Far Cry 3 is teamwork. Not just working as a team to complete objectives, but staying close to each other and offering support. Ubisoft is accomplishing this by rewarding “team play”. You can carry-out specific action for your teammates, like “Battle Cries”. These are a ‘shout-out’ to anyone on your team that is nearby, this will give them a boost and help you collect points, points that you can use to unlock “support weapons”. Another team-feature is “tagging”, which will allow your teammates to track your target and help you earn kills when it’s impossible to kill them yourself. Other ways to unlock “support weapons” is reviving teammates, which is another way that Ubisoft plans to keep players working together.
Another unique aspect of the game is that even though you are working as a team, this is not your standard military game. These are not your standard soldiers fighting alongside you, these are people that are surviving the island with you. Ubisoft is using this “non-military” approach to bring in more creative support weapons to aid in battle. Another fun inclusion to the end of the match is the ability to “honor” or “punish” the MVP of the losing team. A perfect way to get back at the guy that left you 5-18 from behind the grass with the sniper-rifle. Or show your respect to the man that ended 9-10 but did the most in objectives. There is also a random reward that is given out at the end of the match. Players may receive a “flash drive” that is encrypted, you will have to use the “real-time decoding system to get the reward”. This can be done when you are away from your console or “overnight”. Ubisoft did not go into exact detail but “decoding” will take time, you will be able to check on the status of the decoding on your smartphone or online.
As for classes in the game Ubisoft has confirmed that players will have the ability to “customize their classes and profiles on their console, PC, or on the web (mobile too!) with automatic saving”. Also confirmed is the ability to track your stats and the game will feature a “broader set of leaderboards on the game site”.
Ubisoft is also bringing back the “In-Game Editor”, a crowd favorite from Far Cry 2. This time around though there have been a few improvements, like an easier to manage the “jump-in” feature inside the mapmaking structure. You will be able to alter existing maps or create your own using the “In-Game Editor”. You will be given a large set of tools to create your map, using “pre-fabricated objects” and buildings, you can create new maps or rate ones that have been made by the community.
Another community feature is the ability to “gift” items to your friends, this is an easy way to build up “sets” of customized weapons and armor. Getting these “sets” will give you a bonus, Ubisoft describes this by stating “Set items are items that provide extra perks when equipped with another item from the same set (e.g. SMG from set 1 will give faster firing ability if equipped with another attachment from set 1)”.
Far Cry 3 is set to release on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on September 4, 2012. You can check out some of the official multiplayer images below.