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Copyright 2012. Gaming Examiner is owned by Grimm Media Publishing LLC.
Sony announced that the PSN downloadable title ‘Dyad’ will be coming to the PS3 this July. You can watch the trailer for the upcoming game below, as well price and launch details.
The game will be released on PSN on July 17, 2012. The news came via the Playstation.blog where creator of the game, Shawn McGrath, posted the announcement. The game will cost $14.99. In a faux medical report, the following statement was made for the game:
Today, Dyad was approved by the U.S. Fun and Diversion Administration to administer extreme doses of sensory stimulation. It is absorbed directly into gamers’ cerebral cortex via their optical, audial and touch receptors. The game was approved for use in all patients in North America who are in possession of a PS3 console and $14.99, and who are not adversely affected by excessive synaptic activity.
Research on Dyad began in 2008 in TRNT by Shawn McGrath. After TRNT officials observed test subjects wholly absorbed in euphoric trances and reviewed testimonies of transcendental interactive experiences, TRNT halted development of Dyad and expelled Shawn. Determined to finish his research and enlighten gamers worldwide, Shawn partnered with enigmatic composer David Kanaga and continued developing Dyad in secret. This collaboration prompted Dyad’s incoming release for the purpose of stimulating gamers’ sense of discovery and aid in the search for their own deific particles.
The game is as close to the Hypnotoad as you can probably safely come. The game will feature trophy-support and will be in 1080p at 60FPS.
source | playstation