The Battle for Earth thickens the DCUO plot, offering players more action, epic battles, and a ninth power set, and sets the stage for a new chapter featuring the future versions of two of the most legendary DC Universe figures ever. DCUO’s third DLC pack brings new open world content, an Alert, Duos, and two Raids:- Themyscira – Experience a new Raid on Wonder Woman’s home island that pits players against Chimeric Brainiacs and ultimately, the deadly Avatar of Magic. Players will fight alongside mythical creatures such as Cyclops, Hydra and Colossus, while simultaneously protecting key units of Amazons and Beastimorphs.
- South Gotham Brainiac Invasion – Super-charged action continues as players battle Brainiac’s invasion force in the streets of South Gotham, the Courthouse Alert and new Duos. Working to stop Brainiac’s Union — formed by the people trapped inside the bottled buildings — who are constructing Proto-Avatars to assault Gotham, players will be challenged to rise up and defend Earth against Brainiac’s final assault.
- The Prime Battleground – The Battle for Earth storyline leads players into an epic battle in which they must fight all three of Brainiac’s newly completed Prime Avatars, and then Brainiac himself. Heroes will fight for the safety of the Earth and its inhabitants, while Villains will want to defeat Brainiac and expand the influence of evil across the planet.
- Earth Powers – Rumble on to the scene and shake things up with DCUO’s ninth power set. Earth Powers can be used for both Tanking and Damage, and features an exciting new Tanking mechanic that defers damage to a player’s constructs and automatons. Geokinesis abilities give players the ability to shape Earthen constructs to crush enemies and reinforce allies while Seismic abilities allow players to call mighty, Earth-shaking forces to rattle and daze opponents.