DC Universe Online: Digital Download Hitting PSN Soon

Well for those fans of the digital download and never having to remove or add a disc, look for a new addition to your XMB. Sony explains that a new download will be hitting the PSN soon.

DC Universe Online will be available for download at the Playstation Store for $59.99 USD. The game includes 30-days of free gameplay, with a monthly game play fee of $14.99 thereafter. We also have bundled packs that give you more game play for less, a six-month subscription package is available for $77.99 USD with a 12-month subscription selling for $134.99 USD.DC Universe Online will be available for download at the Playstation Store for $59.99 USD. The game includes 30-days of free gameplay, with a monthly game play fee of $14.99 thereafter. We also have bundled packs that give you more game play for less, a six-month subscription package is available for $77.99 USD with a 12-month subscription selling for $134.99 USD.


Not available yet, but stay tuned for the release date