Team17 released a new announcement trailer for their upcoming title ‘Worms: Revolution’. You can watch the animated teaser below.
Worms Revolution ‘Announcement Trailer’ from Team17
March 31st 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterGoogle Maps lets you start your own 8bit Quest
March 31st 2012 By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterNow your next road can be one step closer to the epic journey you have always hoped it would be. Google Maps has added a “Quest” mode to their popular Google Maps application.
Halo 4: Warhouse multiplayer map teased with new concept art
March 30th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterMicrorsoft has updated the Halo blog with some interesting concept-art and new information on what they call ‘The Warhouse’. You can check out the latest additions, as well learn about the new ship below.
The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition: New trailer asks, what makes a Witcher?
March 30th 2012 By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterThe latest trailer from CD Projekt RED is all about the title of ‘The Witcher’, more specifically, what it means to be a Witcher.
Awesomenauts trailer announces PSN and XBLA May release date
March 30th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterRonimo has revealed that their hit-title ‘Awesomenauts’ will be coming to PSN and XBLA starting on May 1, 2012. The announcement came with a ‘Meet the Awesomenauts’ trailer, that you can watch below.
‘The Hunger Games’ game invades Facebook
March 30th 2012 By Sarah Fox contact email , twitter‘The Hunger Games’ franchise is stretching out a little bitter further, this time in the form of a new Facebook game. You can check out the trailer and screens of the game below.
Lollipop Chainsaw ‘Scoring the Zombie Massacre’ trailer featuring Jimmy Urine
March 30th 2012 By John Stewart contact email , twitterThe latest trailer for Kadokawa Games’ and Grasshopper Manufacture’s ‘Lollipop Chainsaw’ title focuses on the music that you will be swinging you chainsaw and pom-poms too in the game.
PlanetSide 2 shows off some ‘Alpha Gameplay’ footage
March 30th 2012 By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterSony has released the ‘Alpha Gameplay’ video that was shown at GDC earlier this month for their FPS-MMO title ‘PlanetSide 2′. You can get a first look at the PC title in the video below.
PAX East 2012 Xbox 360 Lineup Revealed
March 30th 2012 By Tony Hsieh contact email , twitterMicrosoft has revealed the Xbox 360 lineup that will be available at PAX East next weekend, so for those attending, check out the list below!
Microsoft Registers New Domain Names
March 30th 2012 By Tony Hsieh contact email , twitterFusible reports that Microsoft is apparently on a domain registering spree, registering up to 4 new domains within the last month.
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