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July 1st 2012 By Gaming_Examiner contact email , twitter
Video games have the ability to do many things; they can entertain or inspire, they can introduce new concepts or provide the perfect means of simulation or escape. No one game is designed to do just a single-one of these possibilites. Instead, games are designed to have the greatest impact possible on the player (the good ones at least).
We live in a time when more games are being published, on more platforms, than ever before. With so much competition out there it can be hard deciding which game you will most enjoy. No two people will have the exact same opinion when it comes to comparing games. Our reviews are only a guide, we try to highlight the best and worst of every game we review. The scores that we give each game come in a range of 0 through 10, each score is based on similar games that have launched on the same system, with a comparable price-point.
10 : No game is perfect but a select few redefine their genre. This game exceeded even the highest expectations that were set before it and is now the new title that all others like it will be compared.
9 | 9.5 : These are the games that make memories, turn titles into franchises and create fans of the studios that made them. These are the games that anyone interested in their genre should play.
8 | 8.5 : A truly enjoyable experience, though some parts of the game lacked a certain quality. These flaws could be part of the gameplay, level-design or it could be part of the character and story development process. Overall, these problems won’t have enough effect on the gameplay to ruin your enjoyment.
7 | 7.5 : Despite some serious issues, this game was still great to play and should be enjoyed. The few flaws in the game are noticeable but there was enough substance in the title to recommend it.
6 | 6.5 : Although the majority of this game was fun, almost as much of the game wasn’t. A game with this rating is not recommended for players who are not interested in the genre.
Not Recommended :
5 | 5.5 : This game just seemed to fall flat. Any of the achievements this game made were washed out by it’s lack of quality. Although you could probably point out a few aspects of the game that were enjoyable, you won’t find yourself dying to play it anytime soon.
4 | 4.5 : This game will need a serious overhaul in order to become a recommendable game. Players will most likely have a longer list of complaints then praises.
3 | 3.5 : Truly agonizing to play, if any fun ever did exist in this title, it has been clouded by bugs, horrendous gameplay or bad design.
2 | 2.5: A game that is almost unplayable, if anyone ever does see the end of the this game, it will be a mission of suffering and hardships.
1 | 1.5: This game had so little positives aspects that it just barely escaped being considered the worst title ever made.
0 | .5 : You will only remember horrible things looking back at this game. This title is a laundry list of problems, anyone that worked on a game with this score needs to consider whether or not they should even try to make another game.
Narrow it down:
On Twitter
- Nintendo will heat up Sundance Film Festival this year | http://t.co/vcZaY3T9 about 7 hours ago
- Deep Silver apologizes for mutilated woman’s torso as Zombie Bait | http://t.co/sjycArLL about 7 hours ago
- Disney Infinity introduces a whole new gaming universe | http://t.co/FpJBlV39 about 8 hours ago
- Gearbox working on bug in Borderlands 2 that prevents co-op play | http://t.co/9stkaj0t about 10 hours ago
This Just In:
- Want To Go To The CoD: Black Ops II Rivalries Grand Finals?
- Nintendo will heat up the Sundance Film Festival this year
- Deep Silver apologizes for mutilated woman’s torso as Zombie Bait
- Disney Infinity introduces a whole new gaming universe
- Gearbox working on bug in Borderlands 2 that prevents co-op play
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