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Copyright 2012. Gaming Examiner is owned by Grimm Media Publishing LLC.
In retro-gaming news, Team17 has announced that they will be bringing the top-down classic ‘Alien Breed’ to iOS devices this summer with a remake of the classic title.
The game will be a “universal app” for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The popular “survival-horror” game will support both the old-school Amiga graphics and the new retina-enhanced graphics. Some new features will be added into the game via an “in-game store for extra ammo, keys and weapons”.
In a statement sent to the press earlier this morning, Team17 talked about the upcoming re-release of the title:
Alien Breed iOS will feature three different sets of maps from the original 1991 Alien Breed, Alien Breed Special Edition and an all new experience in the shape of Alien Breed Convergence. Featuring touch-screen pad controls, Alien Breed will also support the Ion iCade and Gametel Controller.
Alien Breed is scheduled for release in August 2012 and will be available for iPad, iPhone (3GS and above) and iPod Touch (3rd Gen or better).