In its third installment, EA and Visceral Games are currently putting the final touches on the Dead Space franchise. A leader in the survivor-horor genre, Dead Space 3 is planned for a February 2013 release date and will answer many open questions about the franchise.
Fact Check: Resident Evil 6 Edition
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterThe Resident Evil franchise has scene five lead-installments since 1996 and 19 previous titles. It has become one of the staples in the ‘survivor/horror’ genre and Capcom is gearing up to release its latest game ‘Resident Evil: 6′ this fall.
Our fascination with ‘Unfinished Swan’, a first encounter
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterGiant Sparrow is a small and incredibly unique development company working under Sony’s Santa Monica Studio. The team is currently putting together their PSN debut ‘Unfinished Swan’. A title that reflects the development team’s goal which states, “Our dream is to make the world a stranger, more interesting place.
Fact Check: Lost Planet 3 Edition
By John Stewart contact email , twitterCapcom brought a lot of excitement to the E3 2012 expo this year with its vast array of new titles. On top of that list is the next installment in the ‘Lost Planet’ franchise ‘Lost Planet 3′.
Fact Check: Beyond Two Souls Edition
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterQuantic Dream was introduced to the gaming world with their award winning Playstation 3 title “Heavy Rain”. Now the developers are set to bring their next AAA game to Ps3 in the form of ‘Beyond: Two Souls’.
Fact Check: Far Cry 3 Multiplayer Edition
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterAfter a strong showing at PAX East this year, Ubisoft is set to release the third installment in one of their most popular series with ‘Far Cry 3′. The upcoming title has a strong multiplayer element that is team-focused and ready to get you on the island.
Fact Check: Risen 2: Dark Waters Edition
By John Stewart contact email , twitterDeep Silver, along with developer Piranha Bytes, is set to release their latest RPG ‘Risen 2: Dark Waters’ this April on PC, and eventually across multiple platforms. Taking place several years after the events in ‘Rising’ this open-world title takes place in a tropical fantasy setting set for adventure.
Fact Check: Skullgirls Edition
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterFrom Autumn Games and Reverge Labs comes the dynamic 2D fighting game, ‘Skullgirls’ . Set in a “Dark Deco” world with beautiful renderings of barbaric female fighters, the game is set to release this later this year and here is what you should know.
Fact Check: Dust 514 Edition
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterCCP Games is set to overtake the action MMO community with their cross-platform hit ‘Dust 514′. With a release date later this year and a closed beta in April, here are the facts everyone should know.
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