Sega announced over the weekend that they will be publishing a remake of the Dreamcast classic ‘Sonic Adventure 2′ for PSN and XBLA. Here are the details on the upcoming title.
Sonic Adventure 2 HD will be released on PSN and XBLA this fall
By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterKonami releases Silent Hill: Book of Memories screens from Comic Con
By John Stewart contact email , twitterThe upcoming PS Vita title ‘Silent Hill: Book of Memories’ has already been pushed back once or twice from Konami. Now that the title has remained at a steady ‘October’ release date for a few months now, it looks like things are starting to shape up for the game.
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale roster gets Cole MacGrath and Jak and Daxter
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterAt San Diego Comic Con, Sony introduced two new fighter into the roster of ‘Playstation All-Stars’. Now it is confirmed that Cole MacGrath and Jak and Daxter will be playable fighters in the game.
Deadpool ‘Announcement Trailer’ straight from Comic Con
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterMarvel has officially announced the company, in partnership with Activision, will be making a game based on the comic-book series ‘Deadpool’. You can watch the first trailer for the game below.
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d you steal our garbage?! Nintendo 3DS teaser trailer
By John Stewart contact email , twitterA teaser trailer was released for Nintendo’s upcoming Nintendo 3DS and DS title ‘Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d you steal our garbage?!’. The popular cartoon series makes its jump to handhelds this fall.
Sony will bring Neon Alley and Crunchyroll App to the PS3, anime fans rejoice
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterSony has some very good news for anime fans, Sony just announced at San Diego Comic Con that the company will be brining Neon Alley and Crunchy Roll to the PSN network.
Assassin’s Creed 3 multiplayer screens from Comic Con
By John Stewart contact email , twitterUbisoft has a lot to show off at this year’s Comic Con event in San Diego, but one title stands above them all. That game is Assassin’s Creed III and it’s on the top of many gamers wish list for 2012.
Spartacus Legends coming to PS3, based on ‘Spartacus’ series
By John Stewart contact email , twitterUbisoft and Kun Fu factory, in a partnership with STARZ, have announced that they will be delivering a new PS3 title based on the popular TV series ‘Spartacus’.
Zone of the Enders HD Collection ‘Opening Cinematic’ from Comic Con
By Sarah Fox contact email , twitterKonami dazzled fans with the opening cinematic sequence for its upcoming remake ‘Zone of the Enders: HD Collection’. The video was shown at this year’s Comic Con event in San Diego.
Assassin’s Creed III on PC is delayed, will still be releases before holiday
By Sean Stewart contact email , twitterIf you were hoping to pick up the PC version of Ubisoft’s upcoming title ‘Assassin’s Creed III’ then you will have to wait a little bit longer than everyone else.
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