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If you are excited for Gearbox’s upcoming open-world sequel ‘Borderlands 2′ and you have played the original, you might want to start double-checking those old saved-game files you have stored.
Gearbox announced that it will reward players of the original Borderlands, if they have their original saved-game files. Chris Faylor posted the following image and announcement on Gearboxity earlier this week:
Borderlands 2 will reward veterans of the first Borderlands with exclusive character customization elements — here’s a look at the character heads and skins that are unlocked when Borderlands 2 detects save data from the original Borderlands!
The before mentioned ‘skins and heads’ can be seen on the right. Hopefully you have your saved-game files either still on your HDD or in the cloud somewhere. If you do not, you still have a lot of time before the game’s September 18th release date to catch up.
source | gearboxity