Board Games

There are many websites that pretend to feature the best board games ever. But at, we do better. In fact, along side our guide to casino bonuses and offering new games, we are showcasing the best 50 board games you can possibly imagine! Some of them are based on pure strategy, others on skills, and others on chance. But before we get to the core of the matter, we will have no choice but to categorize them adequately.

The best 50 board games: what are they?

While Chess, Backgammon and Checkers are obviously among the 50 most played board games of all time, other big brands such as Monopoly™, Scrabble™ and Risk™ are also present in our leaderboard. There are numerous by-products for the above mentioned games which explain their popularity and the fact that all generations have fallen in love with them. Other games that are directly inspired by films or series like Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game are also extremely well ranked. But now that you know a bit more about the most famous board games, let’s see how many of them they are in reality.

The different types of board games

At My Gaming, we reckon that game classification is of paramount importance. In fact, we believe it helps users to find the right game as soon as they start searching. Furthermore, it is a way to show how big, clever and well-organized the gaming universe truly is. Below is a table presenting the seven major families of board games.

Main categories of board games
Two-player gamesThese games confront two players who know the different stages of the game at all times. Two-player games are confrontation games which mean that no random decision or action can be made unlike games like dice for instance. Backgammon and Casino War are two-player board games.
Multi-player elimination gamesDiplomacy, Hotels or again Monopoly are great examples of multi-player elimination games. In this type of games, participants are typically eliminated at the end of each round, before the game ends.
Multiplayer games without eliminationIn this kind of board games that involves games like Dominion, 221B Baker Street or again Scrabble, everybody can play along to the end. These games are good for mixed play and are particularly suited for both adults and children!
Management gamesQuite niche games, economics games and tactics games require a lot of organization skills and strategy. The goal of such games is very often to manage scarce resources or build an entire financial system. Risk, Acquire and Building an Empire are typical strategy games.
Dexterity gamesPhysical skill will be required in these games where some coordination, finesse and sometimes precision are usually essential. If you want to play some good dexterity games, you should try out Operation, Twister or the very traditional Darts!
Children’s gamesThese games have been imagined and manufactured for children only. Their rules can be learned easily and quickly, the gameplay is user-friendly and the result is usually the consequence of chance. Candy Land, Ludo or Sorry! are the best children’s games.
Cooperative gamesCoop games are games where participants need to collaborate in order to win. Pandemic and Battlestar Galactica have proven to be very successful cooperative games throughout the years.

See? You have yet a lot to discover. Give a try to one of our main board games! For more gaming entertainment pop on over to But if you feel these board games are more BORE games then head over to for a real treat when you can discover some epic bingo for Norwegians.
