Mass Effect 3 fans may still be adjusting to the new ‘Earth DLC’ maps but Bioware is ready to send the troops to the front lines in another N7 mission weekend event.
The popular N7 missions allow Mass Effect 3 players on all platforms to earn special packs and receive extra loot for playing in the event over the weekend. This weekend (July 27th 10AM PST – July 30th 5AM PST) players will fight the Reapers on Earth maps.
It’s an interesting goal this week as well, focusing on extractions and ‘human players’. Here are the official objectives.
- Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with at least one squad member using an Earth Pack character
- Allied Goal: Extract 800,000 individual players on any difficulty, with each live member counting toward the goal.
- Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
- Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack that includes a new Earth character.
- Special Circumstance: Extraction time lengthened due to failure of Operation BROADSIDE.
- Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed to earn these rewards.
source | bioware