Army of TWO the Devil’s Cartel ‘Overkill’ trailer rolls out

January 16th 2013 By contact email , twitter

EA has released the latest trailer for the upcoming title ‘Army of TWO: The Devil’s Cartel’. The latest trailer features a few pre-order bonuses that players can get for free when pre-ordering the game. 
In the latest video players can check out a few cinematic events that will take place in the game. There isn’t really any gameplay involved in the trailer, just your standard one-liners mixed in with over-the-top, high-velocity firepower. The trailer shows more of the destructive elements of the game and touches on a few of the enemies that you will have to destroy.

Army of TWO the Devil’s Cartel is set to release on March 28th, 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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